EchoI can remember as a child standing in a large, empty room and clapping my hands. I would do it to wait for the echo. I’m not sure why, but hearing an echo was so intriguing as a child. It was almost like there was something magical about an echo or like there was someone hidden in the room who was responding to me. But as I grew older I stopped caring as much about echoes. Maybe it’s because we’re so caught up in our own words that the echo seems less important. But perhaps an echo is exactly what is needed right now.

I received word from a friend recently asking for help in being an echo. I know that probably sounds a little weird but give me a second. This person wasn’t asking for me to take them to the Grand Canyon. They weren’t desiring to empty the room so they can hear their own voice come back to them. Instead they wanted to be the voice that echoes back to the world the things God first shouted into it.

I want to be an echo. These words came across my iMessage app on my iPhone last night. I want to be an echo. What they were saying was I want to echo Jesus’ love in my week. You see the idea of being an echo is letting the wonders of God’s love for you flow through you. It’s living your life in such a way that the people around you see Jesus in your words and actions. Being an echo is the realization that your life has a much bigger purpose than school, work, or even family. Your life has been brought into existence by God. He has clapped his hands for you. He shouted in the empty room of your life and now desires for you to echo his words where you live, work and play.

What does it look like to be an echo of God’s love? This week’s song talks about that. Listen. Follow along with the lyrics. Then know that I’m praying for you to be an echo of God’s love wherever you go. As a matter of fact here’s a prayer for you right now:

Dear Jesus, my life has been filled with so much of your love. You chose me when I wasn’t worthy to be chosen. Let me echo that same love to those around me. Lord, I want to be your echo in the world that’s filled with distracting voices and negative claims. Let me echo your peace and love to all with whom I interact. In Jesus’ name. Amen.