Now I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bit of a control freak. I like to feel the steering wheel in my hands. I don’t like to fly because I can’t pilot a plane. When we travel my wife never drives, well unless I’m dealing with one of those migraine can’t see straight kind of headaches but even then I try to drive. I just don’t like to relinquish control very easily. And it’s not just in driving either. 

I like to plan out my life pretty well. I like to anticipate problems. I look for road blocks ahead. I try to make things go just the right way even if that means I take a little extra responsibility on my shoulders. Sometimes it works great! But other times, well it’s just too much. One thing I’m learning however is that I can’t be in control of everything.

There’s one area of my life that I’ve learned this more than any other – my life with Jesus. This is the area where I have to sit in the backseat and just let him do what he does best. I can’t love the world genuinely enough to earn his love for me. I can’t follow  every word and command of his law so perfectly as to be the example to others. I can’t find my own way to be saved and it’s ok! These are the places where I need to sit in the backseat and let Jesus do the Jesus thing.

This week’s music Monday song is about relinquishing control of the driver’s seat and being ok with sitting back and letting someone else handle the hills, curves and harsh stops in life. It doesn’t say it’ll be easy but it’ll certainly be worth it. I’d encourage you today to get comfy in the backseat. Sit back and let him take the wheel for a bit. As uncomfortable as it will be at first, I can guarantee if you do it you’ll be amazed how things turn out.

Happy Monday all and have a great week!