Have you ever listened to the same song over and over again without ever getting tired of it? I’m sure if you heard that same song on repeat for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week you would eventually want to listen to a new song. Just the other weekend I had the opportunity to go to the annual Christian concert, Winter Jam, with friends from church. I’ve been for six or seven years in a row and every year a band called Newsong sings the same song.

This week I wanted to share that song, that Newsong sings every year. The song is titled, Arise My Love, and tells the story of Jesus’ death on the cross and God’s love for Him. Every year I hear this song and every year I am reminded just how much I love it. I could listen to this song for the rest of my life and never get tired of hearing it because it tells about the powerful message of Jesus. The song is a reminder of just how much God gave up for you and me.

The song by itself is enough to give me chills every time I hear it, but while Newsong sings this song at Winter Jam, a cross is illuminated on center stage. I’ve seen this cross for years and I will never not be amazed when I see it light up. How often do we see crosses and not even think about what Jesus did for us? The cross lights up the entire arena and has a rightful place on center stage. Jesus died for us, so we could one day be with Him. This powerful message is told so often that sometimes it loses its power.

Arise My Love, will never lose its power. I could listen to this song for the rest of my life because, this life is not my own. This life that you and I live is because of the live that Jesus lost. Next time you hear about the crucifixion of Jesus, I pray you are reminded of how powerful the message really is. I pray that you are speechless and overcome with awe at what Jesus has done for you and me.

And then realize that these words were not only spoken to God’s Son when he was buried in the tomb, but they were also spoken to you and me at our baptisms. They are spoken every morning when we open our eyes. Every time our feet hit the floor. Every time we see something that reminds us of the greatness of God, that’s when he sings this song to us. So today, no matter what life throws your way hear the call of your Father and Arise My Love.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Submitted by Abigail Prohl