Today we resurrected an old tradition in our family. We went to spend Christmas with my grandparents. We used to always celebrate Christmas with them on Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember. But before we could really get started with our celebration I was asked a deep and heartfelt question.

Now you have to understand a little history here before I hit you with the question. My grandparents have lived a very blessed life. They’ve seen many blessings and have taught me quite a bit about what it means to follow Jesus. The Christmas story was always a very important part of our celebration of Christmas. So this question was a bit out of left field for me. The question:

When someone can’t believe anymore what happens? 

You see my grandparents are in varying stages of the mentally debilitating disease of Alzheimer’s. The devastating effects of this disease include loss of basic memory function and inability to recall information. Well, Alzheimer’s has stolen my grandparents’ memory of Christmas. They really didn’t know what it was about or why we even did it. When we explained it to them again, they even said it was a really good story. And thanks for sharing it.

This was a little stressful especially for my mom. She wanted to know what happened now? What about God? How would he handle this? Is their former faith good enough? Can we just believe for them?

Well the long and short of my answer revolved around the gospel message and was a reminder (even to me) of what Christmas really means. The message of which I’m reminded as I continue to ponder this question is: my faith was never good enough to begin withNo one can believe for me. But what about God?

You see the story of Christmas is one of grace. Grace is the underserved goodness we all too often receive. Grace is the way God sees us in light of the events that started on Christmas. It’s why we have an advent cross in church instead of a more normal wreath. What started on Christmas didn’t end on Christmas. What started on Christmas reached its peak on Easter but still isn’t done yet.

This Christmas when you gather with loved ones and friends. Take a minute to just say thank you for the moment you have together because some of us long to have that day back again. And for that loved one who can’t remember what Christmas means or even who Jesus is…well it was never really about them anyway. It’s always been about who Jesus is and how Jesus remembers us.

So to my grandparents I say this. Omi and Opa we love you dearly even when you can’t remember
who we are. But more
importantly Omi and Opa Jesus knows you. He called you by name in the waters of your baptism. He put his seal on you. He gave his life for you. Christmas first happened for you. So you will be with him. You don’t have to remember it. You don’t even have to understand the words I’m saying to you. Nothing you can do will make God love you any less. And nothing you can do will make him love you any more. Merry Christmas. 12.24.16