living for eternity today

An Empty Bed

An empty bed...

Today is your day! It’s your victory day. The day you’ve been waiting for. The day we’ve all been waiting for. So many memories have been built over these 88 years of life. From joy to sadness from sorrow and pain and peace, wellness, health and comfort you’ve experienced all of it.

You fight this fight for what we thought was far too long. You wouldn’t give up. It wasn’t in your character. You lived through some hard times but little did we know your final moments would be your hardest. You never gave up. Your flight has taught us much. You loved when loving wasn’t easy. You welcomed when closing the door is what most would’ve done. You lived through war and peace. You never wanted the front seat or the place of honor or even to be recognized. But today…this is your day.

There are memories that will forever be branded in my mind and heart. Standing at your kitchen counter helping you make homemade applesauce. I remember eating your amazing potato pancakes and all those crazy good German foods! I remember the way you would butter the bread before you made a sandwich so the bread wouldn’t get soggy. I remember your laugh and the way you used to call me your number one grandson not because I was better just because I was born first.

I remember the way you always looked out for me. You never let Opa tease me too much even though i could take it. When he did something you didn’t like you would raise your voice in a still Loving Way you’d say “Charles stop that!” We were never allowed to light the Christmas tree until Christmas Eve because that was your tradition. I can remember walking around Germany when I was only eight years old. You showed me where you grew up. You took me to see some sites I would never see you again. You drove me to the wall that separated east from west Germany. You told stories of how you were treated growing up. Even though it was never about you. Today is your day.

But today isn’t about you after all. Today is about who you told us to follow. Today is about the one you showed us by your actions and words. Today is about Jesus and how he loved you. As the bed now lay empty we’re reminded that the tomb first lay empty. Today is Friday but Sunday is coming. Today is your day because Sunday was Jesus’ day! 

Your baptism verse was John 6:68 and this was so meaningful for today. “Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Today Omi you live those words. We love you! And one day we’ll be together again. But for now rest in the strong arms of Jesus. 

1 Comment

  1. Cindi and Terry Arbogast


    Thinking of you and your family. Keeping you all in our prayers.

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