We put the word at the end of our prayers. We sometimes say it when we agree with what the pastor says. We like to use the word as a way of agreeing with something someone says. We use it in religious contexts and even some secular ones as well. But what does it mean? And why is it so important?

The word Amen is a word that means yes! I agree! You bet! Affirmative! That’s what I was thinking!

This week’s Music Monday is all about singing that song of praise and agreement that Jesus is the one who’s made the difference! I remember a couple of dear friends as I hear this song. I first think of sweet Anna who would always gently speak her amen after the choir finished singing. Oh how I miss that meek and tender voice! Then I think of Peggy. She was like a grandma (just without all the spoiling that grandma’s do). She’d give her agreement and amen when she heard something that really hit the heart of who Jesus was and what he’s done.

So what’s your story? What’s your amen? What’s the song that comes from your life to which those around you just have to say amen! That’s my story too!

Take a few minutes and listen to this song. Hear the melody. Read the words. Let them echo in your heart the way they have in mine!