Recently a friend asked me what my favorite bible verse was. Now that admittedly is a difficult task, especially for a pastor. We have so many bible verses floating through our minds. So many of them with significant meaning. I mulled this over for weeks. Probably longer. But eventually it hit me. The one verse that just jumped off the page was right there the entire time. It was a verse that had meaning to my uncle who was a pastor. It was a verse spoken at his funeral. It’s a verse in one of my favorite hymns.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8 Share on X

As I thought about this favorite verse, it reminded me of a song that was new to me by Matthew West. It’s a song titled All In.

I’m going all in
Headfirst into the deep end
I hear You calling
And this time the fear won’t win
I’m going, I’m going all in
(I’m going, I’m going…) all in
(I’m going, I’m going)

So often we approach life kind of in. I mean we like to test the waters before we go all in. I know getting in the pool on a hot summer day, some like to just jump right in while others like to walk in slowly. This song is a reminder that whether we jump in with both feet or just dangle our feet in the water for a bit that eventually we have to get in. It reminds us of Peter who jumped out of the boat to follow Jesus on the water. He didn’t test the water first. Instead he jumped in and ran to Jesus.

Now don’t get me wrong. Planning is important. Preparing is critical. Having your resources lined up before you start is a really good idea.  But the caution is don’t get caught up in the planning to the point where you never move. That’s the problem many of us fall into. We plan and plan and plan but don’t get to moving. This week find an area you’ve been dragging your feet and just jump in with both feet. Make a big splash. Make a difference. You’ll be glad you did.