maxresdefault-9It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race of this life. We’re always trying to get ahead. We strive to do our best. We want to get ahead. We work for the raise. We show up early to work and often stay late. We do everything our boss wants just to get on her good side. We live in a performance based world. 

Unfortunately we tend to bleed that thinking over into our worship and church life. As Christians we all too often talk and act as if we do something to earn a place before God. Our preaching and even our songs cause us to think that it’s about us. But that couldn’t be more untrue! It’s not about what we bring to the table.

This line of thinking completely removes a critical component to the teaching of Jesus. It’s the teaching of grace. Grace, in its simplest form, is receiving something good that I don’t deserve. This is what God is all about. He’s in the business of giving good things to us even when we don’t earn them or even ask for them! Our response is simply one of thanks.

We could do all of these high and lofty things. We could work so hard to get right before God but none of these things are what God calls us to do. Instead, all I can do is say thank you for this life I never deserved.

Take time today to give thanks for the good that he’s giving to you in your life. Acknowledge that God’s love is good enough to carry you through. Just look around you and see the ways that God has showered you with his love and protection. Then, say thank you!