Man life can really be monotonous can’t it? I mean seriously we do the same thing every day, and it’s like we just hit repeat every morning. It is way too easy to get stuck in the humdrum stuff of life and forget why we’re really here. 

I love looking back at the story of creation in the Bible. Way back in the book of Genesis, we see the account of God creating everything that we have today as the world, plants and animals…all of it. But on the sixth day of creation God made Adam. He got down on his hands and knees; squeezed the dirt between his fingers. And there he was, a man – Adam. He was perfect. He had fingers and toes, eye lashes and probably even armpit hair. But he was missing something. Even though he had eyes and ears, he couldn’t see or hear. Even though he had fingers and toes he couldn’t walk or feel anything. He was lifeless. He was just a well-organized pile of dirt molded in the shape of a man.

It wasn’t until God breathed life into this pile of dirt that it really became Adam. God bent down and breathed into Adam. The dirt came alive. The heart started to beat. The lungs filled with air. The toes began to wiggle. The fingers stretched out. He was alive!

There’s a problem however. No, not a problem with Adam. The problem is with us. Now that we live on other side of the fateful moment in the Bible known as the fall. This means that sin entered the world and evil is all the place. The point of sin is to wreck our relationship with God. It tries constantly to shut our eyes to the beauty around us. Sin tries to prevent our ears from hearing the great sounds of nature all around.

This week’s MusicMonday song is about finding that new life again. It’s about coming alive in our day-to-day lives. My prayer for you this week is that you come alive. May you be alive again as he breathes life into your lungs and opens your heart to see all that he has put here just for you.