About a year ago in church we talked about a word that got all the kids giggling. One of our youth led the children’s time and talked about the big but in the Bible. She mentioned that but is a pretty important word if we really think about it. But clues us in to a massive change in thought, purpose and intent.

This week’s Music Monday is all about that word BUT. Admittedly the song is titled Alive and talks about how God makes us alive in Christ. However the key to the song really is found in the chorus. No matter where we start or however far away we go from God, he’s always right there waiting for us to come back. And even better, he doesn’t wait for us to return! He pursues us with this amazing gospel message.

But God
Rich in mercy
You came to save me
Now I’m alive
But God
Strong and mighty
You reached down for me
So I could rise
Now I’m alive

When we’re trapped in our sorrows, pains and bad choices – But God! When we’re dead in our tracks, lost in our way, floundering in the negativity of life – But God! God came to save us when we were far away. He pursued us when we were running from him. He died and rose for us when we should have been punished for our wrongs. He lifts us up when we fall. He cradles us when we rebel. But God! It’s always about him and his ways. It’s never about our timing or our desires. But God!

Give the song a listen. Think about what’s been getting to you. Then remind yourself, but God!