Whether you’re part of a church community advent2.blogor not, you’ve probably heard people talking about this thing called Advent. But what exactly is Advent? What does it feel mean? Why do people gather in churches on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings during this busy season? What’s it all about anyway?

Simply put – Advent means coming or arrival of something important. Advent is the time when we remember the first ADVENT of Jesus. For those of us who are followers of Jesus, we believe that Jesus was a real man who was born in a real way, to real parents. But there was something beyond real about him. He was a normal man but so much more than just a man. While he was a man, he was also the son of God. God chose to break into history in the person of His Son Jesus to save us from ourselves. That’s what Advent and Christmas are all about for many followers of Jesus in the world today.

But I think there’s more to it. I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus came and was born about two thousand years ago, but I think there’s another advent we should be seeing. There’s a second advent that has already happened among us. It’s the advent that happens in baptism. It’s the real body and blood of Jesus that exists when we participate together in communion. It’s the presence of Jesus that surrounds us and covers us when we receive forgiveness of our sins.

If the first advent was when Jesus was born, then the second advent happens when we clothe ourselves with the presence of Jesus for the sake of others. The prophet Jeremiah writes, this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’ Jesus presence in our lives today is like a covering that has enveloped us with his righteousness, transforming us into the presence of Jesus in our individual communities. This means that you and I are now like mini-advents in the lives of the people where we live, work, and play.

There’s another advent for which we wait. As followers of Jesus who understand that we are living out the presence of Jesus daily, we look ahead to a final advent. You see, we believe that one day Jesus will come back. He’ll return to gather all who believe in him, and he’ll take the to be with his father in heaven. This is the advent message we want you to hear – Jesus really came as a baby in a place called Bethlehem. Jesus really died and rose to save you from having to go through that mess. Jesus now promises to live in and through those who believe in him and call on his name. And Jesus is coming back one day to take us to be with him in his home. 

Happy Advent! He came as a baby. He’s here in his people. He’s coming back for all who follow him.