December is not generally the time of year to take a walk in a park. The wind is cold and seems to cut right through you. The frost covers the ground. You can see your breath even as you talk because the air is so crisp. Unless you layer up, a walk in the park might not be the greatest option, but that doesn’t change today’s stop on our unexpected places tour. 

In Genesis 3:8 we read and they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Could you imagine that? I mean taking a stroll through the park or garden or around the track at school and hear the footsteps of God sauntering up behind you? 

As you might know, this account is shortly after the creation story. Adam and Eve just did the one thing God told them not to do. They ate that fruit and with their disobedience came consequences. The consequence is that feeling of guilt. I’m sure you’ve had it too. If not, I can assure you that it’s not a good feeling! 

Let’s get back to that walk in the park. Picture it though. You’re walking in a park and you hear the sounds of leaves rustling behind you. Your blood pressure naturally elevates. Then you realize it’s God walking with you in the park. That’s kind of the experience Adam and Eve had in today’s reading. God showed up in a quiet spot on a walk in the garden. 

Maybe you won’t go for that walk today. Maybe you won’t hear Jesus walking up behind you. But maybe you’ll find that he meets you in an unexpected place as you prepare your heart for Christmas.