Dreaming is fun! Well unless you dream you’re being chased by a giant orange, but that’s not really relevant to this post. Part of living and visioning is dreaming. When we put together a hope for a better future, when we vision what we’re going to be/do in the days, weeks, months and years to come – it’s like we’re dreaming. But how big is your dream?

Recently I attended a conference where the talk was all about dreaming big dreams. But more than just a supersized dream, they were talking dreams that hurt because they were impossible. So what’s the biggest dream you’ve ever dreamed? Did it come true? Why not?

The famous I have a dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr was a pretty big dream. It was a dream that for some might still be coming true. As big of a dream as it was, that’s a small dream compared to the dreams I’m referring to.

I’m talking about God-size dreams. It’s been said that if a dream doesn’t scare you, then it’s not a big enough dream. As a pastor, I’ve been wrestling a bit with dreams lately. Not the weird kind that have you waking up wondering if it was real or not, but the kind of dreams that help us see a future that God has in store for the church. But there’s a major downfall in our dreams. They’re too small! We’re selling God short by dreaming too small of dreams.

What’s your God-size dream? What do you think is the BIG thing God has in store for you? What about the God dream He has in store for the church (local or global)? What does God want to do in our life as His children?

Here’s a God-dream that I’ve been wrestling with a lot lately. What would happen if God took what we currently had and multiplied it by 10? That means that our 150+ in worship becomes 1500! That means that our 4 small groups become 40. That means that our 10 high school youth become 100. That means that our 1 worship service and 1 location become 10!

Now if you’re anything like the people I’ve shared this with already, then you probably think that Pastor has lost his mind! That’s not going to happen! Who does he think he is? Well first of all I’m not saying it will happen nor am I saying I want it to happen. It’s a simple question. What would our response be if God just did it?

Over the next several months we’re going to look at this God dream philosophy a little more. I believe we have put God in a box that’s far too small! We’ve become so content with the way things are that perhaps we’ve lost sight of the bigger mission that’s always been in front of us. We carefully craft mission statements and spend hours in workshops to map out a creative and catchy vision statement. We spend more man hours that we can imagine creating the right look for our worship spaces. But none of that really matters to God.

Going, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and teaching to obey all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20

It seems pretty clear that the goal is everyone, everywhere hearing one message. It’s pretty clear that we’ve set our sights too low! It’s pretty clear that even multiplying the ministry at our local level by 10 isn’t even big enough.

So I’m curious. If you were to share a God sized dream for yourself or your church home, what would it be?