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A Little Recognition Goes A Long Way

In our society, the word “recognition” has become a diluted term, often misappropriated for mere participation rather than genuine achievement. The true essence of recognizing accomplishments has been lost in a sea of mediocrity, where everyone gets a trophy and no one stands out. It’s high time we challenge this complacency and start acknowledging those who actually make a difference.

The Epidemic of Participation Trophies

Remember when recognition was earned, not handed out like cheap candy at a parade? Today, the lines between effort and accomplishment are blurred beyond recognition. Participation trophies are the epitome of this absurdity. By rewarding mere attendance, we undermine the value of true excellence and hard work. It’s not only insulting to those who genuinely excel, but it also creates a culture of entitlement where mediocrity is celebrated.

Why are we so afraid to celebrate the best? Are we so fragile that we fear the shadow cast by someone’s towering success? This epidemic of participation trophies is breeding a generation that cannot distinguish between showing up and showing out.

The Real MVPs

Let’s face it: not everyone deserves a medal. Real achievements are born from sweat, sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of excellence. These are the people who innovate, inspire, and lead. They push boundaries, challenge norms, and set new standards. Yet, these are the very individuals who often go unnoticed because we are too busy applauding those who simply “tried their best.”

Recognizing real accomplishments isn’t about putting others down; it’s about lifting up those who truly deserve it. It’s about setting a benchmark for success and motivating others to reach it. The world needs heroes, but not everyone can be one. It’s a title reserved for those who earn it.

The Consequences of Complacency

The danger of our current trajectory is clear: a society that rewards mediocrity ultimately stagnates. When we fail to recognize and celebrate real accomplishments, we discourage excellence. The message becomes clear: why strive for greatness when good enough is good enough? This complacency is a breeding ground for incompetence and apathy.

Consider the workplace. Employees who consistently outperform their peers often go unrecognized, their achievements overshadowed by a culture of uniformity. This not only demoralizes high performers but also sends a toxic message to the rest of the team. Excellence is no longer the goal; fitting in is.

A Call to Action

We must reclaim the true spirit of recognition. It’s time to discard the notion that everyone deserves a trophy and start celebrating real achievements. This means acknowledging the standout student, the innovative employee, the relentless athlete, and the visionary leader. It means understanding that recognition is not a right, but a privilege earned through hard work, dedication, and exceptional performance.

We need to be bold and unapologetic in our celebration of excellence. Let’s stop pandering to the lowest common denominator and start setting high standards. Let’s create a culture where real accomplishments are recognized and rewarded, and where everyone is inspired to reach their full potential.

Recognition should be about more than just making people feel good. It should be about honoring those who truly deserve it and inspiring others to strive for greatness. The world doesn’t need more participation trophies; it needs more champions. It’s time to rise above mediocrity and start celebrating real accomplishments. Let’s give credit where it’s due and let excellence shine.


  1. Joan Meyer

    Bravo! Well said. This is so badly needed in our schools today.

  2. Scott Kenneth Seidler

    Love it DH! Would love to catch up….

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