How would you define a full life? Some would define it by good health. Others would say a full life means lots of money. Still others believe a full life has to do with being content in your job. But what is a full life?

In the bible in John 10 Jesus refers to this very idea, but what exactly did Jesus mean when he said:

10  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

It’s easy to equate a full life with a full calendar. Technological advances allow us to get more done in less time, so what do we do with all of the extra time this is supposed to provide for us? We fill it with more stuff! And then, to make matters worse, we complain that we’re too busy! It’s like a bad movie or at least a mediocre movie with a less than stellar plot development. The protagonist, that’s you and me because who ever casts themselves as the bad guy, is supposed to get  their act together the further into the story they get.

Unfortunately that’s not the way it is for most of us. The more into this life we progress, the more stuff will pack into every nook and cranny in our lives. We live our lives like we’re packing for a 3 week vacation and only get one suitcase! It’s absurd! But what about this business of living a life to the full? 

How in the world does one do this? I want a full life not a full calendar, but how?

There’s a problem with taking one verse or statement out of context. It always misses something important, and this one is no different. This verse about a full life is nestled neatly into the greater story of Jesus referring to himself as the Good Shepherd and we his sheep. The verse right after this full life comment tells the story so well.

11  I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

You see the full life doesn’t come by picking more up or adding to your already packed schedule. Actually this full life doesn’t have anything to do with you at all! We get to experience the life to which Jesus is referring when we find our meaning not in our full calendars but in our relationship with him.

Take a minute and pause to evaluate what’s really important? How full is your life? Or better yet, how filled with Him is your life? Live a life with real meaning defined not by your calendar but by how valued you are to the God was willing to die for you. Now that’s a full life!