Last year was a pretty horrific year for singer/songwriter Toby Mac. He lost his son tragically and unexpectedly. No one can understand the devastation that occurs when a parent loses a child of any age. As I write this a brother in Christ and his wife are mourning the loss of their new born son. They were able to be with him for just a few short days. Toby had his son for 21 years. The pain of both is devastating to say the least.

Now I know that not everyone likes all genres of music. I have my own preferences and some that I just don’t like at all. But put aside your likes and dislikes for a minute. Sit under the weight of this moment and let the words of this dad sink into your heart. TobyMac is heart broken. He’s at the bottom of the rung of life and he doesn’t know what to do. But he does know where to turn.

As we, who’ve never lost a child, can only imagine the story is heartbreaking and devastating. As you listen to the lyrics or just read them here. Go on the journey of this dad who just can’t seem to get his mind around why this is happening. He asks questions we all want to know the answers to. He struggles with the same things everyone who has ever lost a loved one struggles with. Sometimes we just want to throw in the towel. Stay in bed all day. Break down and cry our eyes out. We just want to give up. That’s where the song starts. Then a reminder comes through the promise of Jesus.

Toby is quickly reminded of every message he’s given, every song he’s written and sung, and every Bible verse he’s ever read. When it seems like life is out of control, then you’re exactly where God wants you. You’re in the crosshairs of grace.

As this review and devotion is being written, I’m ministering to two families who are soon to lose loved ones. I’m in the process of waiting for my own grandma’s life struggle to end in a victorious resurrection promise. In all of this struggle and pain and loss we must remember the anguish yet calming message of the chorus.

Is it just across the Jordan
Or a city in the stars
Are you singing with the angels
Are you happy where you are
Well until this show is over
And you run into my arms
God has you in heaven
But I have you in my heart

So whatever you’re going through, no matter the pain – you are not alone. The one who holds you in his heart is the one who holds your loved one in his hands. It might not be just across the Jordan or in a city among the stars. But it is a place with pure joy and happiness. It’s a place without pain or sadness. Rest today in the sure and certain hope that the God who created your loved one holds your problems and your fears in his hands. Rest in his loving arms today. And take a moment to hold the ones you love because life is short my friend. Live well and love bold!