Sometimes we just need to go back a little. Not necessarily to a better time or a time that we even remember but to a different time. A different state of mind. A different way of looking at life, the world, our neighbor and even our churches. 

This week’s #musicmonday is all about a different way of seeing and thinking. It’s about a different way than many of us are used to approaching worship. It’s not about the worship that happens on Sunday mornings in churches across the country. It’s not about an hour of uninterrupted rest in Jesus.

It’s about a chaotic and messy lifestyle. You see worship isn’t really what we say it is. For some reason we have relegated worship to a time and a place. We’ve given it an identity that can’t be mingled with other things. But I’m not necessarily sold that this way we’ve embraced is actually Jesus’ way. I think Jesus had something drastically different in mind. I believe he wanted a life of worship. The kind of worship that happened at the supper table. The kind that found its way to the playground with our friends. The kind of worship that can be experienced at our desk at work or in our dorm room at college. I believe the worship Jesus desires is so much more than a song and a prayer.

This song hit me recently as I was driving to and from appointments. It made me question the song in my own heart. It’s so easy to get trapped in the humdrum crap of life that we lose sight of the joy that should define us. This song is dedicated to the people who help me see joy. As you listen think of the people who put a smile in your heart. And perhaps by the time you’re done listening to the song, you’ll have an old church choir in your soul as well!